Friday, November 2, 2007

the amazingness who is my husband

(<--Isn't he so cute?!) Kevan has always been willing to do anything for me. I knew the story would be no different once I got pregnant. The first few days and weeks he did all he could to help me with my "morning sickness"...bringing me breakfast before I got out of bed, going on Walgreens runs to get me whatever I thought might ease the nausea for that moment's time (Ginger Ale, no wait, Gatorade, how about lemonade? jolly ranchers, saltines? no, wait, lemon drops. oh, and some ginger snaps?) And now that I am feeling more like myself, he continues to show such a servant heart in the daily way he treats me. If I mention that I am craving something, he'll find a way to ease my craving.

If I am having a stressful week at school (which non-stressful weeks are hard to come by these days...) or if I miss my family, he finds ways to cheer me up.

He is constantly finding ways to lighten my load. Yesterday when I got home from school he had done the laundry and dishes AND he made a great dinner last night. I am blessed beyond belief, and so is our little baby...he is going to be one incredible dad. I can't imagine going through this experience with anyone other than Kevan Hayes Albright. It is so good to be his girl.


Kara said...

so sweet! it's always nice to be taken care of : )

annalee said...

i barely even know kevan but i love him so much for you. you deserve the best, and i'm so glad he takes excellent care of you (and the baby on the way!)

Kyla said...

Awwww! Those cupcakes look really good. Now I want one! Kevan is a sweetheart, I agree. I have to say though that I was disappointed to reach the end of your post and not hear if it's a boy or a girl. When do you find out?!?

Anonymous said...

Sharon, that is so sweet....that is what life is all about. I am so glad that you have Kevan.