Tuesday, January 8, 2008

happy birthday, mama!

my mama, in 1st grade

Yesterday was my sweet Mama's birthday. She is one of the most selfless, godliest, sweetest, prettiest ladies you'll ever come across. If you don't know her, you should find a way to meet her because your life would be blessed by her. In honor of her birthday on the 7th, here are 7 things about Mama Linda that I love...

1. She is more talented and creative than I'll ever be. Her paintings and portraits are amazing! Because of this, I have learned from and been inspired by her to be as creative as I can be doing the things I love to do.

2. She makes delightful dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, and calzone, among other things.

3. My niece Macy is absolutely crazy about her Nina, and I can't wait to see my little girl interact with her Nina. Mom is an amazingly fun and loving grandmother.

4. She wrote me a note on the napkin in my lunch almost everyday from kindergarten until I graduated high school. She also would cut my sandwiches into fun shapes, like hearts.

5. When her parents were both sick with Alzheimer's at the same time, she took care of them like no one I have seen before. She was completely selfless, moving them to Abilene and making their lives as comfortable as possible in their last days. I don't know how she did it with such grace, but I am so glad I got to witness it.

6. She is so fun and is cute as a button. Sometimes she talks in fun accents. (I used to loooooove for her to read stories about the Brer Rabbit in her country voice.) She calls me Susie a lot, and I especially love it when she calls me "Susie-la-toosie." I love when she laughs so hard that she cries and her laugh gets kind of squeally.

7. She loves the Lord, and is a perfect example for me of how to be a godly wife and mother. She is up way before anyone should be, and I know a lot of that time is spent trying to better her relationship with the Father. I know she consistently prays for her family, and for that I am grateful.

And, bonus #8. She often tells me I'm her favorite child. (Don't worry, Mama. I don't think Paul and Matt read this thing...it's our little secret.)

I love you, Mama! Hope your birthday was wonderful and that y'all didn't have too much fun last night at Szechuan without me!!


Kelli said...

I completely agree! Your mom is so precious, I loved getting to know her during student teaching, and in Siggies. She is truly a gift to us all. :)

Laura Webb said...

I totally agree!! I wish I could see more of her!!

Anonymous said...

Mama Linda is the best Mother-in-Law without a doubt! No questions asked! Happy Birthday Linda!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Matt told me that mom told him that I was her favorite!

And yeah, that was a pretty good description of mom!

Laura Webb said...

Hey I have a really random question...can you email me so I can ask you?? laurawebb@hebisd.edu....thanks

Jacquie said...

Your Mama is one of my favorite people too!

Kyla said...

I got misty-eyed reading this. I agree that Linda is one of the sweetest ladies I know, and her daughter is one of my sweetest friends. Wow, what a sweet idea that was to make your blog post all about your mom on her b-day. I might steal that idea at some point...

Unknown said...

You've summed up your mama to a T. I love her, too! So sweet!