Oh, Mer-Mer. You have gone and done it again. Another month older. More fun than we could have imagined. It is hard to keep up with all of the new things you are learning and doing these days. It is truly an amazing thing to witness. You are getting more and more independent, and I am trying not to be too sad about this.
Baby food is pretty much a thing of the past. You are way too interested in what we are eating, and you do just fine with your two new teeth (finally!). If there is more than one type of food on your tray, I love watching you daintily choose which bite you want to take next. You tend to eat things by color. You'll pick out all the orange carrot pieces, then move onto green things, and so on. I feel like someday, you may save all the red Skittles until last like I do.
Thanks (actually, a huge, ginormous thanks) to an early Christmas present from your Grammie and Popsy, you got a new car seat this month. I was a bit sad to see your carrier seat be put away, but you had just about filled it to capacity. Here is one of your first pictures in that seat. When I see this picture, I can't help but say out loud, "Ohhhhhhhhhh Merrrrriiiiiit."
And here is your new seat! You love it, and it reminds me of Texas.
You are starting to talk more and more. Some of your words include Daddy, Mama, Be-be (baby), and now when you say Hi, or sometimes, Hey, you'll wave at the same time. You've figured out how to open our cell phones and you'll hold them to your ear and say, "Hey-oh". And of course, you go on and on about things and we don't know what you're saying, but I love hearing it just the same.
It was a busy, busy month. At Thanksgiving, you were able to meet one set of your GREAT-grandparents, Grandad and Grandmother. What a lucky girl you are! You actually get to meet your other GREAT-grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa, today!This month we moved from your first home. Here we are in your room at 892-B for the last time.
Nina came to play for a week. Y'all had the best time.
Nina and I took you out to my school to visit my kids. They couldn't get enough of you!You helped us decorate the tree and get ready for your first Christmas!
You have now been in the world for 9 months, which means you've been in my world for twice that long. And what a better place it is, baby girl. We love you more than you'll ever know, at least until you have your own little Mer-Mer someday...maybe then you'll understand.
Happy 9 months, Merit Fey!
much love,
your mama
precious merit,
you are most definitely beautiful on the inside AND the outside!
I love the little sounds she makes. What a darling! I am anxious to see you guys again soon. I guess I will be in Nashville in May for Nina's wedding!
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