Oh, Mer-Mer, what a fantastic time we are having! It just keeps getting better and better, I tell ya. This past month was especially fun. Here are a few of my favorite moments from your 4th month with us...
you stay awake for most of our morning walks now, and you love to look at the trees.


your daddy and I got to go on our first date post-baby,
thanks to your Grammie coming to stay with you.
(side note - this is the first pic we have taken with just the 2 of us since you were born...I don't think we knew what to do with our arms!)

you can now roll over from your back to your belly, and as much as you hated being on your belly before, you absolutely love it now.
this pic was taken after you did this trick for the very first time.

we were just as surprised as you were!

now when you play in your crib (because we all know very little sleeping goes on in there...), you love to flip over and strain your neck to peep over the side--just to be sure I'm still in the room. (look--your eyes are still blue...)

your second plane trip--to Arkansas this time--went very well, despite the 4 hours of delays on our way there. on one of the plane rides, you got to enjoy your own seat.

fun four month photo shoot

I love you, baby girl. Being home with you is one of the best decisions I've ever made...you fill my days with pure happiness, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Happy 4 months, Merit Fey!
much love,
your mama