Sunday, October 25, 2009

what do my friend amy stroup, her music, and national television all have in common?

I have known Amy since high school. We were in the youth group together in Abilene, and now we live in the same town once again. She is seriously one of the most talented people I know. Kevan and I have talked multiple times about how she is one of the hardest working artists in Nashville, and because of this, I was not surprised one bit to hear that one of her songs will be featured tonight in an episode of ABC's Brothers and Sisters.

Her song, "Hold onto Hope, Love" is one of my favorites. The first time I heard it, I had taken my friend Heather to see Amy play here at a local venue. As soon as the song was over, I turned to Heather and said, "That song could be on Grey's Anatomy or something." I predicted the wrong TV show, but the fact that my prediction is coming true in some way is not shocking at all. It was only a matter of time for Amy. Be sure to tune in tonight to hear her song, and then sit back and watch her career take off! Another prediction that I am sure to be right about.


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Anonymous said...

That's so exciting! I can't wait to watch! Janice

annalee said...

got it from itunes, loving it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon!
i just realized you have a blog and I LOVE IT!! I am going to go get amy's song on itunes for sure. Merit is absolutely precious! I think she and Tate have really close birthdays. Hope all is well!
Kelley (Jonas' wife)