Tuesday, September 6, 2011

then and now

I hate being behind on this blog. There are things that happened months ago that I need to get on here, for memory's sake, and to ease my own sentimental mind. (I still think about how I never blogged about the wonderful baby shower my friends gave me over a year ago.) And if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know that I still take pictures everyday, but I have failed to get them on here! Anyway, I guess I am apologizing, if only to myself, my mama, and my mama-in-law. ;)

So, in the spirit of catching up, here are a couple of pics from then that I regret never posting from when our dear friends, the Deyos, came to visit us in July. Hopefully, I'll eventually get all of the pictures from that fun weekend on here. Maybe.

Merit and Lily at the creek

(these girls used to look like this)

And now, in the spirit of staying current, here is Merit's new pet - her very first - that she got yesterday. It is a betta fish that she named Jerry Ariel Nemo. Merit loves him, maybe a little too much, as she insists that he needs a blanket and constant snacks. Welcome to the fam, Nemo!

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